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Today I handed in my resignation. It was a sad moment as I will be leaving behind some good friends and colleagues, however its mixed with the excitement of starting something new in the UK. If you haven’t read my earlier posts, my girlfriend Sarah secured a position as dietitian in SouthEnd hospital in Essex. she will be leaving for the UK in a few weeks time and I will be following her over in the middle of November.

There is suddenly so much to do. So many loose ends to tie up at work, notes to write, car and bunch of other random stuff to sell, phone accounts to close, bills to settle. Still have a while to deal with it all though however I know the final 6 weeks at work will be very hectic.

If anyone is hiring in Essex or West London, please drop me a line, I’ll be glad to accept your offer 😄. Alternatively, if anyone knows anyone looking to hire a C, C#, .NET, Clarion or Perl developer in the general vicinity then drop me a line to. is so bare these days!