JReg (1991) E36 BMW 316i Fuel Consumption.
I took the BMW on its first long run today, 2 sessions of 1 hour and was impressed at the fuel milage being shown on the MPG meter on the dashboard.
I have decided to keep a record of fuel milage for every fill up to give others thinking of picking up one of these cars some food for thought. It will be a while before the table below begins to really mean anything though, so give it a few months.
Date |
Notes on the above table:
- Date is in UK standard date format, Day/Month/Year
- Litres = Litres added in this fill
- PPL = Pence Per Litre
- Cost is in Pounds Sterling
- MBF = Miles between Fills, the amount of miles on this fill of the tank
- MPG = Miles Per Gallon for this fill