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What a great flight! Thank you American Airlines, I really needed a good flight. I cannot recommend AA more. Big economy seats, lots of leg room, fantastic food. The flight left late, and arrived late, but still early afternoon. The cab ride to the hotel was quick, thank god for Sunday traffic.

After checking in at the hotel I went for a walk down North Michigan Avenue to the Apple store with the intention of picking up an iPod Mini for Sarah. Boy was I in for a surprise. Beautiful store, however they were out of stock with no more in for at least 5 weeks. Despite this I picked up a bunch of iPod Mini Accessories, just because they are so much cheaper over here than if you were buying from Apple back in the UK. I picked up the iPod Mini Armband for when Sarah is working out, Griffin iTrip Mini FM Transmitter for those long car journey’s and an XtremeMac iPod Car Charger for charging the iPod Mini on those long car journey’s. I even sat in on a free Photoshop CS Pro workshop session, which was quite cool. Why doesn’t Microsoft do cool stuff like this?

I also snapped some photo’s from around about, and scouted where my training is going to be located. In fact, I can actually see One IBM plaza from my hotel room window (the room actually has 2 windows!

I have added some pictures to the gallery. I will keep them updated during the week when I can. (Free Wifi in the hotel, whatever next?).