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This has got to be the strangest receuitment email I have received in recent times. I wonder if he honestly expects his statement in the first paragraph will prompt people to consider the offer more legitimate.

_“Please excuse the impersonal and frankly spam nature of this email but wanted to tell you about a permanent role I’m presently recruiting for (to develop music software), salary c.£35k. Read on if interested….

My client requires several VC++ software developers to join their London-based team working on music software projects. To apply, you must have good experience of C++ development on Windows, expecially including component development COM/ActiveX. This must combine with excellent problem-solving skills and an ability to work well in a team to a tight delivery schedule. Must have a demonstrable external interest in music. Other relevant skills include computer music or audio experience, and advanced musical knowledge.

Based in London


Please send an uptodate cv if you are interested.


xxx xxxxxx“