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Now that I have resigned I must get everything ready for the trip to the UK. My 2 main preparation items are of course, gadgets. Sold is my old Kodak DC3800 Point-and-click camera, replaced with an Olympus C-740.

3.2Mp, 10x Optical Zoom 3x Digital zoom (max zoom 30x). This camera rocks! Image quality is fantastic.

Second is the fact that I cannot live without a computer, seeings as I cant really ship my desktop over to the UK (well I can, but I dont want to), I have jumped in and bought a new Laptop. Pre-requisites: 1. must be an ultra-light. 2: Must have 802.11b/g.

So I splashed out on a new Dell Latitiude X300 Ultralight.

this thing is awesome. only 1.3kgs and 0.8″ thick. Unfortunately it won’t arrive for 10-12 business days.. Of course, being a geek I couldn’t leave it at the base specs so I chopped and changed it a bit

  • Out goes the 30gb HDD, replaced with a 60gb HDD
    • Added an extra 256Mb Ram, taking it to 384Mb
      • Out with the Intel PRO 802.11b mini PCI card, in with the Dell TrueMobileTM 1400 WLAN (802.11b/g)
        • Swapped the CD drive for a DVD/CD-RW Combo drive
        I already can’t wait and I still have 9-11 business days left 😄