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Mark's Plasma running on Nokia 7210 emulator.This version of plasma is a mixture of multiple types of plasma taken from multiple sources. Initially started to see how easy it would be to port a java app to J2ME, it ended up being an exercise of trying to get a good plasma routine to run at a decent speed on the Nokia 7210 mobile phone.

There are multiple modes including full, half and quarter resolution modes, aswell as interlaced mode. For best results use quarter resolution. Turning on interlaced mode in quarter resolution provides reasonably quick results. Newer phones should be able to run this in higher modes without so much of a speed penalty.

Download Source (Zip Archive). Size: 168Kb Requires: JBuilder 7, one of the Nokia JDK’s for J2ME MIDP.

Download Executable [ Jar file, compiled using Nokia 7210 JDK ]

Size: 6Kb

Requires: J2ME MIDP device or emulator.

Note: Requires a MIDP2 enabled device.If you have trouble getting this to work on your device or have improvement suggestions or patches please send them to me.

To download directly to your phone using Over The Air deployment (OTA) point your WAP phone to