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If you are someone who uses Rss Bandit and use a PalmOS based device and have been lamenting the lack of decent offline Rss Aggregator then worry no longer. Grab a copy of Rss Bandit 2 Plucker, which works with both Rss Bandit and Plucker to synchronise your unread items in Rss Bandit to your device.

RssBandit 2 Plucker Screenshot

Rss Bandit 2 Plucker is not software that gets installed on your PalmOS based handheld, it gets installed on your PC and acts as a pipe that transfers and converts data between Rss Bandit and Plucker. Plucker automatically runs Rss Bandit 2 Plucker when you attempt to synchronise the channel (which can be automatically run on a schedule), so after setup has been completed, there is no manual intervention required.

It is so simple to use i’ve made a short video that demonstrates everything from running the setup program to performing your first synchronisation. This video runs through everything that you have to do to get up and running.

View the Demonstration Video (3.9 mb)

Download Now (82.5 kb)